Unleash the Power Within: How Gratitude Transforms Your Life

Unleash the Power Within: How Gratitude Transforms Your Life

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Gratitude Is Your Personal Power

According to a great saying, “Respecting yourself will guide your morals and treating others with love and respect will guide your manners.”

It’s true that the relationship you have with yourself is probably your most significant relationship. Every other relationship depends on it.

If you love and respect yourself, you won’t find it hard to treat others with love and respect too.

For you to protect your personal power, you need to love yourself. It is also important that you know how to treat others in the same way.

So it’s imperative to learn to a) forgive yourself; b) get rid of negative thinking; c) accept and appreciate your existence in the world.

How Is Gratitude Your Personal Power?

OK but what does gratitude have to do with it?

Only everything…

Being grateful is a big factor in perfecting your personal power. So don’t forget gratitude for all the things that you obtain throughout your entire life.

Be thankful for all the people who have loved you through the years since without them you would not have a solid understanding on how to extend your gratitude to other people.

Gratitude is not just saying “thank you” but also about showing your appreciation to those who have been good to you.

I’m sure you know there are many benefits to being grateful. Here are just a few.

Gratitude And The Psychology of Happiness!

According to research, most grateful people are happier than those who are not.

It’s also true that gratitude can improve your mood. It reduces depression and anxiety.

In order for you to enhance better moods and eliminate stress, you can also engage with gratitude exercises that are associated with clinical psychology.

Gratitude And Health

Being grateful will also help you obtain a wide variety of health benefits including a strong immune system, lower blood pressure and reduction of possible risks of disease symptoms.

Gratitude For A Happy Night Rest

Better sleep is one of the things to be thankful for since not everyone gets enough hours of sleep.

Again, for personal power perfection, we need to be grateful even for the seemingly simple things in our lives.

Grateful for a good night’s rest

Gratefulness Equals Great Relationships

Expressing gratefulness to those close to you promotes great relationships.

When others are patient with you rather than being contentious or defensive then obviously you will appreciate that.

Gratitude will help you be in control in difficult situations so instead of panicking it will open up your thinking to come up with great solutions.

What If I Have Nothing To Be Grateful For?

Having said all that, sometimes it feels like there is nothing to be grateful for. Especially when things are rough or we don’t seem to get the breaks.

Let’s emphasise this again – we need to be grateful for even the smallest things because there really is a “Cousin Worse-off” who would actually be grateful to be in our shoes.

If we “count our blessings and name them one by one” we will see that we really do have so much to be grateful for.

If we can’t be grateful for what we already have then will we ever be satisfied with anything more we obtain?

By all means keep going for your desires but don’t forget gratitude for your present benefits.

There’s a saying, “Be better until you can do better.”

Journaling And Gratitude

On your continuing journey in life, remember your personal power is released in your positive attitude and therefore your attitude of gratitude.

A great way to keep track of “naming them one by one” is by using a gratitude journal.

I have kept one myself in the past years on and off. I have managed to keep one so far for two consecutive years and plan to continue to do so.

Every day I find at least one thing I’m grateful for, even if it’s getting a parking space or having a restful day, if not being given a million pounds! 😅

Now don’t go thinking getting a million pounds is out of reach, because all things are possible.

Just remember that we are grateful for every good thing in our lives, small or great.

I Am Grateful For YOU!

Have a great day and Thank You for reading.😄

So what are you grateful for today? Comment below!

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever! 1 Chronicles16:34 (ESV)


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