How Will You Give What You Haven’t Got?

How Will You Give What You Haven’t Got?

The other day someone was saying that you have to be “selfish” in life if you want to get ahead.


After further discussion it transpired that what the person meant was that you have to be true to yourself, and not put others before you if it means it’s to your own detriment.

So “Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.”

The Importance Of “Enough”

But what about when we do want to help others just for the sake of it?

Do you ever find yourself trying to do so, but feeling like you just don’t have enough to give?

It’s a common feeling, and one that lots of us struggle with.

The old saying, “You can’t give what you haven’t got,” holds a lot of truth in it.

Let’s look at why it’s important to take care of yourself first before trying to help others, and how to ensure you have enough to give without depleting yourself.

Why Looking After Yourself Is Necessary

Looking after yourself is often seen as a luxury, something that we can do if we have extra time or money.

However, self-care is essential for our overall well-being and ability to help others.

When we neglect our own needs and constantly give to others, we become depleted and eventually burn out.

Taking care of yourself first allows you to recharge and be in a better position to support others effectively.

Putting on Your Oxygen Mask First

It’s like the safety instructions on an aeroplane – you need to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.

If you’re not taking care of yourself, you won’t have the energy or resources to help those around you.

Self-care is not selfish; it is necessary for you to be able to give your best to others.

Getting The Balance Right

Let’s face it, finding the right balance between caring for yourself and helping others can be challenging.

Remember to prioritize self-care activities that replenish your energy and bring you joy.

This could be anything from taking a walk in nature, meditating, spending time with loved ones, or indulging in a hobby.

Whatever floats your boat.

By making self-care a priority, you’re investing in your own well-being and capacity to support others.

No More Cycle of Depletion

When you constantly give without replenishing yourself, you create a cycle of depletion that can be hard to break.

Doing this long enough can lead to feelings of resentment, burnout, and even physical and emotional exhaustion.

By taking the time to care for yourself and prioritize your own needs, you can break this cycle and create a healthier balance in your life.

Learning to Receive

Another aspect of the saying, “You cannot give what you haven’t got,” is the importance of learning to receive from others.

Do you find it easier to give than to receive?

Well it’s essential to allow yourself to be supported and cared for in return.

If you constantly make withdrawals from your bank account but don’t receive anything into it…well you know the rest.

By being open to receiving help and support, you’re also giving others the opportunity to give and contribute.

You’ve Got To Have It To Give It

On a side note, it can also be said that if you haven’t got peace within yourself, for example, then how can you extend peace to others?

If you have no joy then you’re hardly going to make other people laugh.

If you haven’t got an apple, you can’t give an apple!

Let’s make sure we’re not lacking in things we need or are beneficial which will also benefit people around us.

You Can’t Give What You Haven’t Got!

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity.

You cannot give your best to others if you are not taking care of yourself first.

By finding the right balance between caring for yourself and helping others, you can break the cycle of depletion and create a healthier and more sustainable way of giving.

Remember, you cannot give what you haven’t got – so prioritize yourself and your own well-being to be able to support others effectively.

Give and it will be given to you…(Luke 6:38)


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